Tuesday 25 October 2011


Looking back over the past semester of arch communications...its been a long journey but really worthwhile. Hesitant. Perfectly describes my feelings during the Model It segment in which I was not particularly fond of recreating houses in 1:50 balsa wood models. It was my belief that this was a thing of the past in the hi-tech world in which we currently live. It was not only time consuming, it was also made even more difficult by the prospect of having to convert floor plans and sections from inches to millimetres or just figure out the scale to which the drawings were created. The Model It segment also left me feeling slightly hard done by due to the incredibly high standards by which the tutors expected the work to be completed at, despite never having come across balsa wood before in my life. It was this which made it even more difficult to cope with the constant model making that was expected of us each week. Looking back though, it was not such a bad introduction to the course and ended up being a good reminder of the many years that are still to come of architecture in which model making will only become more and more serious, where people even fill swimming pools with water.

I found the second segment, Draw It, to be the most useful and applicable to the life of an architect. The combination of drawing and rendering was a great insight into the processes of an architect. It was also refreshing to be drawing by hand and to be expressing oneself without the use of a computer aided program. It was also a great segment as it enabled one to familiarise themself with a 'real' piece of architecture and really see the concepts behind the creation.

Lastly, the Montage It segment, it was all very ambiguous, between the directions and the expectations, it was hard to decipher what was really being asked of us. However, I did enjoy the creativity and endless possibilities that came with the tasks as well as a new way of thinking about architectural spaces and masses.

Overall, the entire course was a lot of work, particularly the model making segment which ate up a lot of time. In hindsight, the course was thoroughly worthwhile and useful.

Montage It. Poster.

I have chosen to reflect upon my flipbook images for my Model It poster. It was through the creation of these flipbook images that I was able to explore my created architectural space and also realise the boundless spaces and freedom that lies within an architectural space. The design of my poster explores the concept that space and movement are only what we perceive them to be, that movement does not have to be ordered or linear rather it can be an exploration within a space to find other interesting spaces. It is through the jumbled up and randomly placed images, that my poster explores this concept of being 'lost' within an architectural form and realising the endless opportunities that lie within. 

Montage It.



My Model/Sculpture

Friday 19 August 2011

Model It.

Below are some photos taken of my models that i created as well as my poster. 

Barcelona Pavilion by Mies Van Der Rohe

The Fisher House by Louis Kahn

Fisher House Window Seat Detail

Fisher House Site by Louis Kahn

Joining Of The House Exercise

Model-It Poster!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

How to Access My Google Sketchup Model

Below is the link for Jonathan Ive's Elevator:

Jonathan Ive's Elevator

Below is the link for the meeting point and the dining table:

Meeting point and dining table

Below is the link for my Lady Gaga Office Space:

Lady Gaga Office Space

Below is the link for my Lady Gaga Elevator:

Lady Gaga Elevator

Unfortunately, my Jonathan Ive's office space is too large to be uploaded to Google Warehouse.