Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My Google Sketchup Bridge Model...

In creating my bridge i did not want it to simply follow the traditional notions of a bridge as a crossing from one place to another. Rather, I wanted it to be something more symbolic in terms of representing power and the role of power in our contemporary world. Thus, I decided to create a circular entity, where one follows the circular path, one which does not lead anywhere, other than circling. This, I believe represents society today and especially both of my clients, where nothing in life is as simple as a straight path and one must circle before they find themselves and then later achieve power through finding the acceptance and acknowledgement of others. The concept of the interconnected circular bridge also highlights the interconnected nature of both of my clients and the media, where it is through this interdependent relationship that one gains and retains power. 

Below are three images of my bridge in its Google Sketchup form. To further the design, I want to incorporate Jonathan Ive's office space into one side of the bridge below.

Concept for Office Spaces

    Monday, 30 May 2011

    IVE chair of wisdom...

    The GAGA throne

    My Dining Table + Chairs

    Below are three images taken of my sketchup model of my dining table and chairs. I have yet to decide on colours and whether I will apply textures to them or not. My dining table will be multi-functional, incorporating all of the basic necessities that are found in a kitchen as well as almost being a conferencing room with built in computer screens and internet access so that the clients are always able to be reached....

    Friday, 20 May 2011

    36 textures

    My 36 custom textures all explore motion in regard to my 6 words which help one to understand movement.

    Saturday, 14 May 2011

    Elevator Ride!!!

    Below are some images taken of my elevator ride within my Crysis Wars environment from my perspective, showing how it changes as the elevator moves up and down...

    Friday, 13 May 2011

    My Two Point Perspectives...

    Below are my two point perspectives which explore the space bounding opportunities that exist between three "T-shaped" prisms in space. Under each perspective is also a word that describes my relationship with the prism as well as alludes to a relationship with power. 

    Friday, 6 May 2011

    GAGA - “Frank talk with Lady Gaga,” Los Angeles Times, accessed May 6, 2011, http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/music/la-ca-lady-gaga13-2009dec13,1,1933920,full.story
    Oprah - “Under the Influence of Oprah,” TIME, accessed May 6, 2011, http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1618910,00.html.

    Ive - “How did a British polytechnic graduate become the design genius behind £200billion Apple?,” Mail Online, accessed May 6, 2011, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1367481/Apples-Jonathan-Ive-How-did-British-polytechnic-graduate-design-genius.html.

    The valley...

    Below is the image of my chosen valley as well as a photo taken of the image from Sandbox....
    Unfortunately, Crysis does not have Pine trees which i need to complete my environment, so I have to download some off Crymod and place them into the landscape.

    I have also included a video which encompasses the true beauty of the valley as well as the vibe of the lifestyle...

    My 18 one point perspectives

    Below are my 18 one point perspectives along with one word that describes my relationship to the prisms and also alludes to a relationship with power....

    Sunday, 1 May 2011

    The final five images of my crysis wars environment....

    "The Laboratories of Icons"

    The final five images that i have captured of my crysis wars environment are below, directly responding to my 'electroliquid aggregation':

    "To battle the norms of convention often results in those individuals becoming outcasts, purely existing on the periphery of society. Thus, one fabricates their own world in which they exist as an artificial construct to endure the pain of exclusion."

    This image corresponds to my aggregation through the artificial environment which has been created, evoking feelings of exclusion, through its harsh and desolate nature, resulting in the isolation of my clients from the outside world. 
     Snapshot taken of the laboratories and meeting place in all of their glory, during the midst of the day...

    My structure battles the norms of convention, being placed in the middle of an 'ice desert'. The structure also provokes the clients existence on the periphery, where only the ice that surrounds them stands in their way of acceptance. 
    The inspiring thoughts and visions of my clients, often misunderstood, are expressed, where their only existence is through their own artificial construct. Thus, the landscape expresses the inability of my clients to belong. 

    Snapshot taken of Sigmund Freud's laboratory in the middle of the day....

    The link to my final crysis wars folders and objects....

    Below is the link to my final crysis level....


    Below is the link to my crysis objects folder....
