Sunday 1 May 2011

The final five images of my crysis wars environment....

"The Laboratories of Icons"

The final five images that i have captured of my crysis wars environment are below, directly responding to my 'electroliquid aggregation':

"To battle the norms of convention often results in those individuals becoming outcasts, purely existing on the periphery of society. Thus, one fabricates their own world in which they exist as an artificial construct to endure the pain of exclusion."

This image corresponds to my aggregation through the artificial environment which has been created, evoking feelings of exclusion, through its harsh and desolate nature, resulting in the isolation of my clients from the outside world. 
 Snapshot taken of the laboratories and meeting place in all of their glory, during the midst of the day...

My structure battles the norms of convention, being placed in the middle of an 'ice desert'. The structure also provokes the clients existence on the periphery, where only the ice that surrounds them stands in their way of acceptance. 
The inspiring thoughts and visions of my clients, often misunderstood, are expressed, where their only existence is through their own artificial construct. Thus, the landscape expresses the inability of my clients to belong. 

Snapshot taken of Sigmund Freud's laboratory in the middle of the day....

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