Monday 18 April 2011

A work in progress...

Below are images taken of my newly advised parallel projection sitting comfortably within its crysis wars environment. I have dramatically transformed the original parallel projection in order to truly create three spaces which can be utilised to their best ability as well as creating spaces which are both intricate and interesting. I have added various details in such as the unusual stretched stairs with views into the landscape below which reach the central meeting point. Thus, both through the stairs and the new ramp attached to Freud's lab i have enabled the structure to become accessible to its inhabitants and thus improve its functionality,  I have also extended both labs and slightly transformed them from their original spaces for functionality and aesthetics. Lastly, i believe that this version of my parallel projection suits my electroliquid aggregation more fluidly than the past examples. P.S i have also added in some cool features like the coloured lights to create contrast and excitement.